Our mission is to put you back in the drivers seat on your reproductive health journey 



We're bridging the gap in reproductive health care


OVIENE offers expert naturopathic, nutrition and fertility awareness programs, group support and private consultations so you're informed and equipped with natural options to enhance your health and fertility, throughout your reproductive life cycle.

We have a proactive approach to healthcare that blends evidenced based medicine with traditional wisdom to provide you and your partner with comprehensive support across your reproductive life cycle.

Why is this important?

We help you lay the key foundations of health that are known to improve fertility outcomes & reproductive health


Accurate, well rounded reproductive and fertility information is not adequately being passed down from generation to generation or properly addressed in schools, doctors offices or specialist consultations.

The research is clear; holistic care can significantly improve reproductive health, pregnancy outcomes and children's future health and this is what we want for everyone.

Our holistic approach includes 7 pillars to address full body wellness, optimised hormonal health and fertility for both men and women.

Meet the founder

Ema specialises in reproductive healthcare and is wildly passionate about supporting people on their fertility journey.

Following years of working with clients who couldn't find the support and care they so desperately needed on their fertility journey, Ema realised there was a gap that needed to be filled in reproductive healthcare.

And so, OVIENE was born.

A platform where you can access natural, evidenced based reproductive healthcare with ease, so you have options on your journey.

Where you are heard and treated as an individual, not just another number.

A platform that provides clear guidance and tools to enhance your health and fertility naturally - putting you back in control of your health journey, empowering you and reminding you that you have a choice.

This is the way healthcare should be.

Ema is constantly inspired by her clients and hopes that in some way OVIENE can support you on your journey to vibrant health and optimised fertility.

Thank you for being here.